Christine Serwinski has been a real estate agent with Baird & Warner for over 6 years. While she works hard to help all of her clients, Christine has found a special calling in helping clients who are going through major life transitions.
Marvin’s Mail Marketing Program ™ sends 5 x 11”, UV-coated mailers to Christine’s clients on a monthly basis. The mailers contain useful information the recipient will reference for months, and they have Christine’s branding on both sides. Every time the mailer is referenced, her brand is also seen. The beautiful, relevant content shows Christine’s clients she is still thinking of them even after the conclusion of business. True story, she once found the Stretching & Meditation InfoCard in her client’s workout room when she was staging it for a sale!
Christine markets herself in a number of ways, including property postcards and social media posts. However, no other method produces the amount of feedback that she receives from Marvin’s Mailers™. Her clients routinely contact her to say they love the content on the cards. Here is what Christine has to say about them:
“I get more feedback from these cards than anything I’ve ever done. I feel like I’m giving something of value to my clients on a continuous basis. It’s going to make them remember me at some point in time when they need a realtor.”
Marvin’s Mailers ™ will keep you top-of-mind with your clients, and they are likely to be the only marketing you use that will have your target audience thanking you for sending it.